Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find GWL job opportunities?
Job opportunities are listed on our Current Opportunities page. Check back often as we regularly update this site.
How do I apply for a job opportunity at GWL?
If you would like to apply for an available job opportunity click on the job title and submit your application by clicking “Apply” at the bottom of the page. Complete the application form and submit your résumé according to the instructions.
How can I stay updated on new job opportunities at GWL?
Click on Set up a Career Alert to be alerted when new job opportunities that match your search become available on the Current Opportunities page. Complete the form and you will be sent a notification when relevant job opportunities are posted on our site.
How can I make a general application?
We would encourage you to apply for current job opportunities. However, if you would like to apply for a future opportunity, you may submit your résumé by clicking on Application for Future Opportunities, and completing the application form.
How do I apply for Internship and Co-op opportunities?
Internship and Co-op opportunities may be posted on our Current Opportunities page. During the fall, winter and summer terms, we may recruit for Internship and Co-op opportunities on an as-needed basis.
How do I apply for job opportunities at a GWL subsidiary or operating business, such as Loblaw or Weston Foods?
To be considered for job opportunities at a subsidiary or operating business, please apply to the specific business directly. This can be done from the home page of our careers section or by visiting and Applications received by our HR team at GWL will not be considered for vacancies in subsidiaries or operating businesses.
What happens to my application after I have applied?
Your résumé and cover letter will be assessed by a member of our team to compare your skills and experience with the requirements of the position for which you have applied. Only candidates selected for consideration will be contacted. Your application will be kept on file for a period of one year. However, we encourage you resubmit your résumé periodically as opportunities of interest are posted on our website.
After applying online, how can I get in touch with a hiring manager or recruiter?
A member of our HR team will contact you if we assess that your skills and experience match the role for which you have applied.
When will I know if I have been selected for an interview?
Typically, candidates being considered are first contacted for a phone interview within 2 weeks of submitting their application. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, our HR team will only contact selected candidates.

Practical Tips


Before starting the application process, take some time to find out more about who we are and what we do. By browsing through our website you can learn more about our culture, our environment and our people.

Your cover letter and résumé should reflect the qualifications and experience needed for the job you are applying for.

The Phone Interview

This is an opportunity to learn more about you and how you see your career developing at George Weston Limited. During this conversation we will discuss your skills and experience in further detail and you will have an opportunity to ask any questions you have about our company or the position you’ve applied for.

Face-to-Face Interviews

At this stage, you will meet with a recruiter and hiring manager to discuss your transferrable skills. Our interviews are a combination of behavioural-based questions, experience verification questions and, in some cases, skills assessments. Your questions are welcomed and encouraged during the interview process; you should have a sound understanding of our culture and the GWL environment at the conclusion of the interview.


As a successful candidate, you will receive an offer of employment conditional on the results of both a background check and references.

Preparing for Success

At George Weston Limited, we invest a lot of time in recruiting to make sure that it’s the right decision for everyone involved. When we make an offer of employment, we hope that it will be the start of a long and successful career with our company.